کد خبر: ۱۴۵۶۹۱
تاریخ انتشار: ۱۹:۱۶ - ۳۱ ارديبهشت ۱۳۹۰

World's oldest panda dies in China

The world's oldest panda has died at the age of 34 at China's Xiangjiang Wild Animal World in the country's southern Guangdong Province.

The China Panda Protection Center in Sichuan confirmed that Ming Ming died on May 7, because her organs had deteriorated as a result of old age, leading to kidney failure.

The female panda had lived at Xiangjiang safari park since 1998, but had also travelled to London Zoo in 1991 where she was supposed to mate with Berlin panda Bao Bao.

She returned to China, however, after the two fought and failed to produce any cubs, the state-funded BBC reported.

Pandas do not usually live more than 22 years in captivity, or 15 years in the wild.

Giant pandas are among the world's most endangered species. There are only about 1,600 of them left in the wild while China keeps 300 in captivity as part of a breeding program aimed at boosting the animal's population.

The country also loans pandas to zoos worldwide.


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