کد خبر: ۱۴۶۸۵۵
تاریخ انتشار: ۱۰:۰۸ - ۱۰ خرداد ۱۳۹۰

Jaguar shining with an all new aluminum makeover

Top Gear has recently revealed details, so far baffling car lovers and sports freaks alike, about the crossover bring planned by Jaguar and the latest development in the launch of their upcoming CUV. This CUV by Jaguar is expected to have exteriors of aluminum. This is a new add on for Jaguar who will be following competitors like BMW, Porsche and Mercedes Benz in bringing out an all new luxurious, aluminum covered model for sports lovers.

Jaguar shining with an all new aluminum makeover

Top Gear has recently revealed details, so far baffling car lovers and sports freaks alike, about the crossover bring planned by Jaguar and the latest development in the launch of their upcoming CUV. This CUV by Jaguar is expected to have exteriors of aluminum. This is a new add on for Jaguar who will be following competitors like BMW, Porsche and Mercedes Benz in bringing out an all new luxurious, aluminum covered model for sports lovers.

Jaguar is on the brink of bringing out an exclusive design with state of the art aluminum panels for their vehicle. Enhanced and superior performance being the main objective, the CUV will also be lighter to enable it to maneuver curves and change directions with ease.

Jaguar has fixed a sales target of about 200,000 vehicles per annum for their aluminum creation which is expected to come out by 2015, and Russia, U.S. and China are touted as being their foremost consumers.

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