کد خبر: ۱۶۰۱۵۸
تاریخ انتشار: ۲۰:۴۰ - ۱۸ مهر ۱۳۹۰

Provided garage special services to new brands of Sipa

According to KHABARKHODRO, Saipa yadak is ready to apply garage services to new brands of Saipa in central repair shop and post sale services.

Provided garage special services to new brands of Sipa

According to KHABARKHODRO, Saipa yadak is ready to apply garage services to new brands of Saipa in central repair shop and post sale services.

As reporter of KHABARKHODRO reports, Garman engineer, director of Saipa yadak visiting central repair shops and components store said: right now these services are provided for some cars such as Megun, Ghashghai, Tiyana and C5.

He also said: during last three years increased pay of guarantee services in post sale service network to 188 percent and applied new plans as to developing business network.

He added: all conferences and meetings in Saipa are organized with post sale service network and held as to track plan more seriously.

He also noted to contract between Saipa's post sale services with companies and said: based on new plan these contracts would be with Rayan Saipa, Saipa yadak, Emdad khodro Saipa and sale marketing as to develop dealers.

He reminded: based on determined strategy on Saipa yadak, Saipa is responsible for design and operate new services in addition to apply components and guarantee service which may assign some parts of services to some companies such as Rayan Saipa and Emdad khodro Saipa.

He said: operating new system, CRM would see significant evolution as to survey difficulties and problems.

He also added: new second brand of components and component package will be unveiled.



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