کد خبر: ۱۶۴۵۹۴
تاریخ انتشار: ۱۵:۰۱ - ۰۷ آذر ۱۳۹۰

Setting third pole of auto industry up needs to reduce dependence on government

According to Khabar Khodro, regarding to that point now our domestic products have of relatively good quality, domestic auto industry needs to be strengthened to improve quality and quantity of their products, said Motalefeh party member of parliament and representatives of the people in Tehran by emphasizing the necessity of a comprehensive study for commissioning of the third auto pole alongside the current two-poles.

Setting third pole of auto industry up needs to reduce dependence on government

 According to Khabar Khodro, regarding to that point now our domestic products have of relatively good quality, domestic auto industry needs to be strengthened to improve quality and quantity of their products, said Motalefeh party member of parliament and representatives of the people in Tehran by emphasizing the necessity of a comprehensive study for commissioning of the third auto pole alongside the current two-poles.


The automotive industry is on an equal footing in the step of progress with many foreign car companies, however, we expect that responder and not domestic consumers, said Asadlollah Badamchiyan to Khabar Khodro reporter.


A third pole of automotive industry needs to reduce dependence on public sector and to transmit to private sector. Our country to develop and promote quality in this industry has required potential and capacity, he noted.


As part of the country’s auto industry dependent on government and the other on private part, so we can say that our country’s automotive industry is semi-public, he added too.


Tehran representative said in the House: This has led to industry management can not be regarded management practices in this area. Also this may not be possible for investors to take step toward greater benefit of design and policy.


Influence public policies in the auto industry underlying incident of problem. For example: according to the law of diminishing returns the number of workers in the automotive industry let to downward trend  in the long term. However, the entry of private sector and policies that leads to use excess force and making progress in the auto industry finally, he said.


Elimination of state aid and the support of the automotive industry have effective strategies for improving the country’s auto industry. According to article 44 of the constitution, despite of the fact those in previous years had been provided to all car companies to continue their activities completely under the private sector, unfortunately, as this should not happen and now the auto industry is run semipublic in our country, said Badamchian.



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