کد خبر: ۱۶۶۴۵۶
تاریخ انتشار: ۱۴:۲۹ - ۲۸ آذر ۱۳۹۰

Saipa received statue of Iran’s top financial management

According to Khabar Khodro, Saipa won the statue of top financial management in the 5th conference of accountants and financial managers

Saipa received statue of Iran’s top financial management

According to Khabar Khodro, Saipa won the statue of top financial management in the 5th conference of accountants and financial managers.

The conference was held with attendance of Iran finance corporate and Saipa could obtain the statue of Iran’s top financial management.

The main topics of the conference include the role of accountants and financial managers in the country economic development and enterprise progression, management benefits through provided the financial review, financing mechanisms, financial managers and understanding risks, the necessity of accounting fraud, operational audit of public agencies, necessity of reporting of Tehran Stock Exchange and financial pathology in Iran.



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طراحی و تولید: "ایران سامانه"