کد خبر: ۲۳۶۰۸۹
تاریخ انتشار: ۰۹:۱۹ - ۱۹ آبان ۱۳۹۲

Special attention to cost management in plans and institutes' decision making

According to Khabar Khodro, the CEO of Saipa Yadak said, "Cost management should be considered in planning and decision making of company. It is expected that different managements to determine and accomplish complete and effective plans."

Special attention to cost management in plans and institutes' decision making

According to Khabar Khodro, the CEO of Saipa Yadak said, "Cost management should be considered in planning and decision making of company. It is expected that different managements to determine and accomplish complete and effective plans."

Mohammad Hasan Garman added, "Saipa Yadak has done well in difficult economical situation that is owed to efforts of managers and employees."

He told, "Saipa Yadak has tried to give best services to customers. Our priority is peoples' satisfaction and hopefully we have achieved it. However, we should improve best points and we need solid and planed program in order to do so."

The CEO of Saipa Yadak added, "Costumers' satisfaction in central workshops could be a good factor for improving operations in service field."

He admitted, "Currently, after sale services are known as profit making for most of automakers in the world and we also lead after sale services toward satisfying costumers' needs and profitable business, with changing our point of view."

Garman said, "Our decisions should be with the goal of Saipa's success and we should not act solely."

"Retaining advantages of employees is priority for officials and we expect that they consider advantages of group, too," he said.

He remarked, "One of the ways for escaping current conditions is to follow cost management process."

Finally, he told, "I hope we could repeat the success of last year with efforts of all employees in all levels. Certainly, achieving this goal is dependent to follow cost management processes in action and have improving approach in plans."

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طراحی و تولید: "ایران سامانه"