کد خبر: ۲۶۱۶۹۹
تاریخ انتشار: ۰۹:۵۲ - ۰۲ تير ۱۳۹۳
According to Khabar Khodro, the CEO of Saipa has announced the improvement of conditions in development and launch of cars of this company in coming months and said, “Considering ground makings for increasing production capacity, we predict that again we would face increase in production capacity.”

Cerato among Saipa products

According to Khabar Khodro, the CEO of Saipa has announced the improvement of conditions in development and launch of cars of this company in coming months and said, “Considering ground makings for increasing production capacity, we predict that again we would face increase in production capacity.”

Engineer Madani told, “Fortunately our international communications in the world are advancing quickly and considering decisions of government and Ministryof Industry, Mineand Trade we predict that companies in supply chain would act quicker.”

He added, “It seems that ifproblems of cars’ pricing are solved by council on competitiveness we would be able to remove market margin and extend prices to the real level.”

“Now the most important barrier for auto industry is the process of pricing cars. Although, considering decisions of Ministry of Industry it seems that it would be solve soon,” he remarked.

He mentioned to the preparation of production lines for manufacturing new products and admitted, “New products that are going to be developed in Saipa, Pars Khodro, Saipa Kashanand Benrocan improve the liquidity condition in this group.”

About launching Cerato among products of Kia he reiterated, “Considering firmcontracts between Saipa and Kia we would see cooperation of an international automaker as a partnerthat would increase the reliability of our products.”

Madani added, “We have plans for producing this car in two 1600 and 2000 cc trims with manual and automatic gearboxes.”

He said, “Cooperation of employees and their efforts for changing bad conditions has resulted in stability and peace in Saipa and plans for a better future.”

He mentioned to the plans of new manager of Industrial Development and RenovationOrganization and reiterated, “Engineer Nowrouzzade has significant experiences in different industrial segments and has a lot of experiences in production and its strategies that we hope he would make bed for improving the position of auto industry in country.”

Finally, the CEO of Saipa told, “We would see significant increase in production and sales of cars in Saipa in coming months that can improve total situation of company.”


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طراحی و تولید: "ایران سامانه"