کد خبر: ۲۷۳۵۴۲
تاریخ انتشار: ۱۵:۳۲ - ۰۲ مهر ۱۳۹۳

Central workshop of Bahman Diesel works in two shifts for repairing Isuzu vehicles

According to Khabar Khodro, chief of after sales company in Bahman Diesel has announced the accomplishment of second shift's plan for repairing Isuzu vehicles and said, "From first of Mehr second shift of central workshop of Bahman Diesel after sales services starts activity."

Central workshop of Bahman Diesel works in two shifts for repairing Isuzu vehicles

According to Khabar Khodro, chief of after sales company in Bahman Diesel has announced the accomplishment of second shift's plan for repairing Isuzu vehicles and said, "From first of Mehr second shift of central workshop of Bahman Diesel after sales services starts activity."

Alireza Tavakoli Targhi in an interview with Khabar Khodro's reporter told, "With accomplishment of this project accepting and clearing vehicles would be done from 7:30 PM to 10:00 PM at central workshop of Bahman Diesel."

He mentioned to the recall for installing ABS kit for some old vehicles of Isuzu and added, "Considering some problems in brakes system and ABS sensors in some vehicles produced by Bahman Diesel it is possible to take some parts from Isuzu in temporal rythm and monthly free of charge."

He mentioned to the 65 percent share of Bahman Diesel products in commercial vehicles' market and plan of increasing number of after sales services dealerships of this company in this year and remarked, "Now some new dealers are passing standardizing process and according to plans it is expected them to start their activity within 2 months."

Finally, he admitted, "Now first recognizing process is moving forward for developing new dealerships in regions that there is lack of dealers and also there have done some actions in developing new dealerships in some regions of country that unfortunately we were not successful for them until now."


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