کد خبر: ۳۰۴۲۰۵
تاریخ انتشار: ۱۱:۳۵ - ۰۶ ارديبهشت ۱۳۹۴

The opportunities that have been lost as the result of sanctions in auto industry

According to Khabar Khodro, board member of Parliament said, "Sanctions have resulted in paying more attention to abilities that previously were not seen in auto industry. In addition, potential abilities and talents were found with preparing conditions and with removing sanctions it will be possible to move a step forward."

Seyyed Sharif Hosseini in an interview with Khabar Khodro's reporter told, "The issue that hurt auto industry of Iran during sanctions was the lack of cooperation with other countries and automakers in R&D sector and designing platforms along with entering cooperation with foreign manufacturer the result of which was lost of employment opportunities and competitive price of vehicles."

He added, "The opportunity for cooperation with foreign automakers in designing new platforms and R&D in auto industry would be made with finalizing agreements and removing sanctions. Therefore, the issue would accelerate the presence of automakers in global markets and continuous of competiveness in global markets. However, this needs updated technical and technological science in auto industry."

He admitted, "Of course, there is concern about unlimited imports after removing sanctions and opening gateways of Iran, which certainly is not beneficial for local manufacturers and whole country."

He remarked, "There should be a condition in which increase of tolls would limit importing vehicles that are produced locally in order to prevent imports. However, in this way we should also pay attention to the quality of local vehicles."


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طراحی و تولید: "ایران سامانه"